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RGGC Range Rules

Paper membership cards with the 2025 target shed code change will be mailed out by January. Gate cards will be automatically updated before Feb.1.

By submitting this renewal for club membership:

  1. I am verifying that I have read, understand and will follow the current published Range Rules. A copy of the current Range Rules is at www.rggcohio.com.
  2. I will also follow all posted signage on the property.
  3. I understand that failure to follow the current published rules may result in the loss of range privileges and a possible revocation of membership as determined by the Board of Governors.
  4. I agree to absolve the Richwood Gun and Game Club of any liability regarding any injuries I may sustain and/or from any illness or disease contracted while at RGGC from a declared or undeclared pandemic.
Clear Signature
Price: $105.00